Career Management in Business

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Based on my research, I’ve learned that a job is a planned sequence of tasks performed by an individual to fulfill a goal and to meet their goals and goals. It is a part of an organization that does not change so the career is a fixed entity , but it is created to meet a particular context. The way a career is conducted and what it does and the outcomes are generally dependent on the skills and how employees are motivated and interact with each other within the workplace and with their surroundings that includes suppliers and customers. (Jay, 2005).

Thus, I’m saying that for any company to achieve success in career management, it must consider these methods.

Career Analysis

Based on my research I have discovered that the career analysis process is the process used to discover what employees have to accomplish, what they must do to be able to achieve it while carrying out their duties and to determine the capabilities and abilities required to fulfill the requirements of the business. It is a crucial part for any company. It is usually used to provide the information needed to create roles profiles, as well as information that is that is used for recruitment as well as learning and development job design, performance appraisals and evaluation of job. When the job analysis is completed, there is a report that is known as a the role profile. The role profile outlines what the role holders are expected to fulfill in light of expectations set by the organization and their accountability. It also outlines the skills and abilities required to carry out the career successfully, the knowledge the role holders must be aware of and then what they are able accomplish. The profiles of roles are typically specific or may be linked to a group. (Raymond, 1994).

The career analysis will also define the jobs and responsibilities that must be completed to give the job description. It is typically rigid and non-flexible. It generally lays out the specifics of what job seekers are expected to perform and give workers the chance to accept or decline if aren’t in line with the description. (Peiperl, Arthur, and Anand 2002).

Analysis of career learning

Through my investigation, I have discovered that this concept analyzes the skills of learning that are essential to perform that is satisfactory to the manager. Learning is the process of learning to enhance the other knowledge and skills, and is a broad category of behavior in the workplace that require to be improved as well as new ones learned. Learning abilities include: developing new systems and ideas taking a look ahead and anticipating physical skills that require practice, and non-verbal information such as the senses of sound, smell and sight that can be used to judge and classify. Other skills of learning include memorizing information, diagnosing and analyzing and solving problems without assistance. (Martocchio and Judge 1997).

Career Design

The process of designing a career is the planning of the methods, content and interplay of the tasks to satisfy both the organizational and technological demands as well as the personal and social needs of the individual who holds the position. Therefore, I would define it as an activity which involves the organization of tasks and the personal connections of a job by determining the degree of the responsibility, involvement and self-sufficiency of workers can be allowed to progress to be in their careers. I’ve discovered that Career design is designed to provide intrinsic rewards as opposed to financial incentives, which provide external rewards. So, I’m able to say that there are many reasons why design for jobs is essential within a business. It is to meet demands of the organization in terms of efficiency, quality of products and services , and to ensure effectiveness in operations, and thirdly satisfying the individual demands that may involve successes and challenges. This brings an attitude of commitment to completing the work well, and to fulfill the social obligations of the business for the employees in it . It improves the value of work and thereby increases motivation, eases boredom, and boredom, and ultimately results in the empowerment of employees. The overall objectives of design for career paths is to meet the requirements of the individual with the needs of the business. (Raymond, 1994).


Through my studies I’ve discovered that motivation of employees is the crucial factor that determines the success and competitiveness of any business in today’s business environment. Studies have shown that a highly paid employee performs his job efficiently and, in turn the company’s performance will be significantly improved. Employee and employer relations are essential to ensure that a business is successful in its goals. In actual fact, I’ve conducted a variety of studies and found that highly-paid employees typically translate into satisfied customers i.e. when they are motivated, they can perform their jobs efficiently, which means they are able to retain and attract more customers. Therefore, by implementing the right guidelines and administrative abilities management can produce happy employees. (Brewster, 1995).

Maslow’s Hierarchy on Motivation

Through my research I discovered it is true that Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who believed that human beings are driven by desires that fall within an order that is hierarchical, flowing from the orders that are deemed to be below and those that are believed to be of a higher order. Maslow theory defines five basic needs of humans that need to be fulfilled. Maslow is the concept of providing protection clothing, medical insurance transportation and housing allowances pension plans employment security, and an insurance plans to meet the needs of these people. The most important psychological needs that are fundamental for all human beings include shelter, food and clothing. Additionally, we have needs for social interaction that are designed to be social. This includes family morals, feelings, feelings of intimacy and mutual understanding sharing of social facilities or services such as entertainment and sports. Maslow theory also addresses the need for esteem that includes educational, rank and title symbolism, as well as fringe advantages, such as bonuses, shares, and the sizes of equipment and workplaces. (Bjbrkman and Fey 2001)


So, I’m able to conclude and I would suggest that whenever an organization wants to be successful , it should be able to perform career analysis development, training and development, work design and implementation and then evaluate the work that employees perform to decide on the amount of money that they will pay. All of these are essential for any company that is determined to succeed and meet its goals and objectives , however they shouldn’t be conducted in a way that’s discriminatory, biased or skewed therefore the procedures must be fair, analytical and consistent, as well as systematic as well as transparent and adaptable to the benefit of all employees within the organization and in the business in general.

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